Problems building Eclipse files
Endre Midtgård Meckelborg
2009-09-24 09:56:27 UTC

I have tried importing "sesat-kernel" into Eclipse by using the Maven
integration. But there are just too many modules, that makes
everything so slow. So I have started to build Eclipse files from
command line again.

Just fyi, the newest version of the Maven Eclipse Plugin has some
broken things, so the command ends up with:

[INFO] Request to merge when 'filtering' is not identical.
Original=resource src/main/templates: output=target/classes,
include=[*.vm|*.html|**/*.vm|**/*.html], exclude=[**/*.java],
test=false, filtering=true, merging with=resource src/main/templates:
output=target/classes, include=[*.jsp|**/*.jsp], exclude=[**/*.java],
test=false, filtering=false

The simplest thing for getting this to work is to use an older version
of the plugin. This can be done with:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.6:eclipse
eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Maybe something to add somewhere in the doc?

Endre Midtg?rd Meckelborg
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